
Koduse ema palkamine maksab rohkem kui kaks keskmist palka


Vaadates rutiinseid kohustusi on kodu ja pere eest hoolitsemisel palju rohkem lisaväärtust, kui esialgu võib tunduda.

The Hidden Value: Calculating the Cost of Stay-at-Home Parenting


Taking care of home and family has much more added value than it might seem at first when looking at routine duties.

Smooth data gathering process gives best results for compensation planning


Data gathering is the foundation in any adequate research on compensation and further decision making. We present an approach that helps you throughout this process.

Contemporary performance management strategies gaining ground in the Baltic


Performance management lies in the heart of changes around the work environment. Our recent survey sheds light on the changes Baltic employees expect from their employers.

Unlocking the Value of Humor in the Workplace: A Priceless Asset


Is humor suitable for the workplace? Does it help to bond a team and maintain a positive atmosphere in an organization, or perhaps jokes have a much greater and more serious impact?