Top Executive Compensation Survey Estonia


Top Executive Compensation Survey is published in late autumn and it gives a comprehensive overview of the remuneration policies of the Chairmen and Members of the Board and the different levels of their salaries.

Top Executive Compensation Survey gives an overview of the remuneration of the Chairmen and Members of the Board. The survey examines different salary levels as well as the various parts of the compensation packages.

In this survey, a Top Executive is defined as a person who is involved in the daily management of an organization (for example, as a Chairman of the Board or a Member of the Board). By a Chairman of the Board we mean a Chairman of the Board of an organization/CEO/Executive Manager who is in charge of the daily management of the said organization. A Member of the Board can often perform as a field manager in their everyday duties (for example, as a CFO, production manager, etc).

To guarantee the objectivity of the salary information the salaries of these Top Executives who also act as major shareholders or sole owners of the particular organization or a company have not been included in the survey.

For the most accurate overview, Top Executives from different economic sectors have been asked to participate in the survey (different turnover, number of employees and the origin of their capital).

Information on the remuneration of the Top Executives is presented by groups that have been formed based on the number of the employees, turnover, the origin of the capital and the extent of their responsibilities.

In addition to the wages, the survey draws out the criteria for establishing and paying the salaries of the Chairmen and Members of the Board and the components of their compensation packages.

Participating and buying Top Executive Compensation Survey is possible in all three countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Check out the summary of 2024 year survey

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